

Kozminski University

Jagiellońska Str 59
03-310 Warsaw

Public transport

Warsaw Airport (Port Lotniczy Warszawa – Okęcie im. Fryderyka Chopina) is well served in international flights. The distance between the airport and the campuses is 16 km in the case of Kozminski University and 7 from city center.

Kozminski University Campus is easily accessible by public transportation. You can use bus line no. 175 from airport (level, -2), and switch it in stop “Centrum”, to tram No. 18. After this your final stop is “PIMot”.

For this trip you should buy 75-minutes ticket. They are available in vending machines on bus stops and on the deck of the bus or tram (cost is 4,40 Zloty, aprox. 1 €).

You could use Airport Warsaw – Modlin, (Mazowiecki Port Lotniczy Warszawa-Modlin) which is located north of city. Airport is 37 km from Kozminski University, and 40 km from city center.

In this case you should use airport bus (stop on main entrance to airport hall) to a train station Modlin, and get train to Warsaw. Ticket which you bought (25 Zlotys, apox.6 €) in a bus is valid for train as well. Your final stop is Warsaw ZOO. From this point you have 14 minute walk.

Ticket machines accept mainly electronic payment (incl. card)

By car

Kozminski University Campus have it`s own parking lot, behind the main buildnings. It will be fully accessible for Congress guests.

Don’t get lost

The Congress will be held in Leon Kozminski in Assembly Hall which is located in C building. See the campus map below for the location of C building.

Entrance / Exit

The others entries are CLOSED

Find Comfortable and Convenient Hotels Nearby

Kozminski University has compiled a list of convenient and well-connected hotels close to the conference venue to ensure an enjoyable stay for our participants. Take a look at our recommendations for the best accommodation options. By booking a place in one of these hotels you can expect a discount. To obtain a discount, please email before booking.