
Resilience refers to an organization’s ability to withstand, recover from, and adapt to adversities, disruptions, or uncertainties, ensuring sustainability and growth. Business archives play a crucial role in fostering organizational resilience, enabling firms to navigate challenges and adapt to change.

By preserving historical records, business archives provide invaluable insights into past strategies, successes, and failures. This rich repository aids in decision-making, risk management, and strategic planning, equipping businesses with the knowledge to anticipate future trends, mitigate risks, and seize opportunities.

Thus, business archives are not just repositories of history but are foundational to building a resilient and adaptive corporate culture. In the context of an ever-evolving business landscape, this conference aims to delve into the intersection of business archives and resilience.

The aim of International Council on Archives Section on Business Archives (ICA SBA) is to support the preservation and use of the archives of business worldwide. SBA was created in 1990, from an earlier committee on business records and attracts a broad range of professionals from around the world with shared common professional interests and activities.

This year’s conference will:

  • Celebrate Polish Development Bank (BGK) 100th anniversary while highlighting the role of its history in Polish economic resilience,
  • Promote the achievements of ICA SBA members by showcasing best practices through presentations,
  • Raise awareness of the strategic importance of business archives within the Polish business community,
  • Facilitate networking and foster interdisciplinary collaboration among diverse professional groups of archivists, museum curators, marketing specialists, and members of NGOs,
  • Offer actionable insights on archive management and resilience strategies through expert-led workshops,
  • Discuss the potential of business archives in Poland and Central Europe with an international audience, promoting a deeper understanding of the region’s unique business and archival landscape.

This year’s conference will not only celebrate historical milestones but also chart a path for future cooperation, leveraging the rich legacy of business archives.

We look forward to welcoming you on

Business Archives & Resilience ICA SBA 2024 Conference

at the Kozminski University Campus in Warsaw on September 22-24, 2024.